Reasons to buy robotic system for spraying

1) Improve Quality:
With a robotic spray painting arm, you can expect to create a more reliable, high-quality end product. The consistency and thoroughness offered by a robotic spray-painting arm is unparalleled. The robotic spray gun always remains at the proper distance away from the target object. Painting robots provide excellent accessibility, coating hard-to-reach areas with ease.

2) Conserve Paint:
A robotic spray painting arm can cut material costs considerably. Reliable and precise, it doesn't overspray. The amount of paint used for any given part is consistent.

3) Play it Safe:
Painting is often tedious, repetitive work. Workers risk exposure to harmful toxins including VOCs, insocyanates, and carcinogens. With a robotic spray painting arm, workers no longer have to endure the strain and hazards associated with this job. In the end, companies with painting robots spend less on safety concerns (i.e. protective gear, health insurance).

4) Make Room:
Robots are well-suited for high-density paint booth layouts. Whether shelf, wall, or rail-mounted, paint robots offer compact workcell solutions. Robots are designed to work in close proximity to each other and other equipment. Companies not only save floorspace, but they can also achieve faster cycle times and better accessibility with creative robot placement.

5) Save Energy:
Spray painting booths require a carefully maintained atmosphere. The air inside the booth must be regulated and replaced constantly. Incinerators are necessary for burning up carcinogens in the air that is removed. Robotic spray painting robots allow for more compact booths, so the controlled environment is minimized, saving energy.

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